Sound Healing

Sound healing with singing bowl comes with a huge range of health boosting benefits to mind, body and soul. It aids with reducing stress, anger and anxiety, help with pain relief and promote relaxation.The sound vibrations produced when a bowl is played can even positively impact the cells in our bodies, balancing and harmonizing them. The vibration caused by playing the bowl causes sound waves to reach us on a cellular level and acts like a kind of stimulating massage to cleanse and purify.

During energy healing, the sound of a singing bowl balances the chakras, with different bowls matching the frequency of the various chakras of the body.


In summary, the benefits of singing bowls include:

  • Promote deep relaxation
  • Reduce stress
  • Dissolve feelings of anger and anxiety
  • Lower blood pressure
  • Sharpen mental awareness
  • Provide an overall feeling of contentment and well being
  • Create an environment of tranquility
  • Overall well-being

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