
“Let Us Change The World Around Us By Changing Ourselves With Yoga”


When I look back, I learnt yoga when I was in school. The experiences of the Yoga over a time, made me determined to peruse yoga learning further and not limit myself to self practitioner but to share and teach others too.

When I look back, I learnt yoga when I was in school. The experiences of the Yoga over a time, made me determined to peruse yoga learning further and not limit myself to self practitioner but to share and teach others too. This quest brought me to enroll for 200 hours Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) from Namah Shivaya Yoga – Dallas, Texas, USA and later enrolled myself in the Sivananda Teachers' Training Course (TTC) from Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center - Neyyar Dam - Trivandrum, KeraIa, (ATTC) from Swami Krishnanda Yoga Vidyapeeth - Mysore. However, I will always be a student of the practice and am deeply grateful for the wealth of wisdom my gurus have shared with me during my courses. It was a life changing experience.

With the practice of yoga, I came to know myself as never before and would like to share my transformational experiences and knowledge with you all. Let’s take this opportunity to have this wonder in our lives and I believe, we all are ready for positive change


Yoga practitioner

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