
Namaste I’m cassie . I’m a motivated Yoga Instructors trained in 200 hours, Sanatan (Classical) Hatha Yoga style under guidance of Dr. Chintamani Gautam who is in this field for over 18 years+ . Later I enrolled 200 hours, TTC Astanga Vinyasa Primary Series in Nirvana Yogashala Mysore, Karnataka.

My main aim is to inspire others to improve wellness and commit to long term health and fitness goals. I am passionate about spreading my love for Yoga and helping others in their journey by sharing my skills. Weaving together Hatha Yoga, Yoga Philosophy, Astanga principles and Pranayama(Breathing exercise).

After practising yoga for over years and experiencing significant changes physically, mentally and spiritually I am now confident and excited to share my experience with keen interested souls.


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